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Lean management

Lean production meeting brief January

Release time:2019-01-21 15:48:55      hit count:3052

On the evening of January 18, 2019, a regular lean production meeting was held in the meeting room on the fifth floor of the group's administrative building at 18:30. Lawyer sun, the production department, product development management department, the person in charge of the warehouse, the assistant or above management personnel and members of the project team attended the meeting. First of all, the team reported in early January lean production each work condition, secondly, each workshop managers report to the regional lean production work, in the end, each department head for the project team, workshop management report mentioned in the problem solution is given, and report in early January each work and the work plan in late January, people Li Yunbin enterprise manager in the lean meeting together at the end of the study the standardized management, standard to add one inch, ten feet profit increase, only the enterprise standardization management foundation is fastened, to stand tall in the market. Make the enterprise has the regulation to be able to abide by, have the regulation to must abide by, enforce the regulation to be strict, violate the regulation to investigate.

Remarks by lawyer sun:

1, just piled manager mentioned in the surface water of problem, I'm here to mention again, now we all four factory in surface water, enjoy the preferential policies for the size of less than before, and water price is high, can be recycled must find ways to recycle, reduce waste, especially the dye house there must make full use of the recycling system, reduce water consumption.

2. In January, every factory stops for maintenance and year-end maintenance, so we hope that we can attach great importance to year-end maintenance. Actually, the stability and normality of last year's production state is closely related to year-end maintenance. Must omnibearing, complete accomplish repair, maintain.

3, some workshop had a holiday, even didn't see the use of vacation time focused organizations at the grass-roots level managers and employees under study 19 years, the company's new system, the system of an enterprise is the equivalent of a country's law, system of both management and employees at the grass-roots level to the company all need to know, the more thorough understanding of the management, the more you I found a lot of management still stays at the primary stage of management, did not know the importance of system, the tube is not good. So our management must take the lead in learning, the team leader to help employees learn, to carry out internal related examinations and inspections.

4. Before the holiday, we must carefully organize management personnel at all levels to carry out a safety inspection on each factory area to ensure that every corner can be safe and eliminate all kinds of hidden dangers. We should arrange the duty schedule of the personnel on duty during the holiday in advance and send it to the company for copying.

5, hope that all managers must understand, we will deepen reform of the internal market in 2019, I hope you all tasks of 2019 index, the assessment terms are clear, from now on will be in accordance with the related tasks indicators in 2019 to control, to request, to carry out, including in addition to production, class meeting, sample area should be in accordance with the standard to carry out, especially in the production, product quality, the cost of production and new product development.

6. 19 years is a more difficult year for private enterprises than 18 years, so we should focus more on the quality of our products, how to find ways to reduce our production costs, to develop our new products as soon as possible, to the market. Must have a clear time concept, a few factories are a whole, everyone should go all out, cooperate with each other, go to attack. As a manager, you are expected to consider this issue at all times so that you can implement the goals according to the company's plan.

The report and evaluation results of lean production regular meeting reward and punishment are as follows:

(1) wen zhigang, assistant to the director of equipment in the preparation workshop of the second stage of textile industry, won the first prize in the on-site report score and was awarded 200 yuan;

(2) wang xuefeng, director of the old spinning production workshop of the chemical fiber factory, who ranked the last in the on-site report, will be fined 100 yuan.

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